The municipality of Laholm is registered with the Public Prosecutor’s Office for the shutdown

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

The complainant says that in their area with 30-40 households and many families with children, it is completely extinguished. When the children go to school in the morning, it is completely dark and they have to wait for the school bus at a busy intersection.

When the complainant tried to reach those responsible in the municipality to tell them how the blackout had affected them, they were told by the switchboard that there were too many callers and that they could therefore not let the call go on.

Instead, the exchange referred to information on the municipality’s website. Then the person decided to make a JO notification.

– That is what you can do when you feel that an authority is not listening to the public and has not done the necessary preparatory work to make a decision like this. It’s a shame it has to go this far, but I felt I had to do something.

The complainant wants to see that the municipality makes a risk and impact analysis that includes all residents and also takes the police authority’s criticism into account.

– I want them to actually go around the municipality and see how dark and unsafe it has become.

After the JO notification that was made at the end of last week, the notifier has not received any feedback from the municipality, but has been informed that the Ombudsman has moved on with the case.

In the clip below, you can hear the police’s criticism of the decision.
