The municipality cheated the care staff – of 15,000 a week

The municipality cheated the care staff of 15000 a

In order to secure staffing in Ludvika municipality’s outer areas, the assistant nurses have been promised SEK 20,000 a week.

They get the bonus if they switch from working in the central city to working in the outer areas of the municipality.

Would get 80,000 extra

This means an increased monthly salary of SEK 80,000 in elderly care. Nurses today earn between 30,000 and 40,000 kroner.

Therefore, the bonus would mean a monthly salary of SEK 120,000 – between three and four times higher than the usual salary for.

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The municipality fails the agreement

But now the municipality backs down. Despite the fact that it is in the agreement between the union and the employer, the trade union newspaper reports The municipal worker.

It was Nya Ludvika Tidning that was the first to report on the bonus of SEK 20,000 a week, but now the employer is reducing it to SEK 5,000 a week for the staff.

The union: Don’t break your promise

The union thinks that you should stand for what you promised.

– We think that this is what you have come up with and it has been negotiated, says Anna-Lena AnderssonKommunal’s union representative in Ludvika, to the trade union.

The municipality: Misunderstanding and written incorrectly

The municipality’s head of negotiations Erik Hårdén tells the local press that he doesn’t know how it could go wrong.

– It is probably due to a combination of misunderstandings between us officials and the fact that it has been written incorrectly. It’s just to lie flat, says Erik Hårdén to Nya Ludvika Tidning.

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