The mother of eleven, Satu “Mybabydolls” Nordling Gonzalez, is pregnant

The mother of eleven Satu Mybabydolls Nordling Gonzalez is pregnant

Satu Nordling Gonzalez40, is a well-known Swedish influencer who runs a blog and Instagram account “My baby dolls” which is followed by over 570,000 people.

On social media, she shares about life with her large family, which consists of her, her husband and their eleven children, who will soon be 12.

Lost a daughter suddenly

In May last year, the family suddenly lost the second oldest child Vanessa13.

It started with the daughter waking up one night and vomiting. When she then found it difficult to breathe, the mother called the SOS alarm. Once at the hospital, the situation seemed okay, but that quickly changed when Vanessa went into cardiac arrest.

The cardiac arrest was caused by the fact that her aorta, also called the large artery of the body, had ruptured in her neck. It was due to fragile blood vessels and it was only a matter of time before it would happen.

– I am completely broken, while I try to be strong for the rest of the children. Every breath hurts so much. The loss is huge and I don’t know how to live life without her, she told The Express then.

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Pregnant with the twelfth child

On Instagram, Satu Nordling Gonzalez has revealed that she is pregnant with her twelfth child.

“Right here we are so happy for this little hope of light coming to us. But it also brings such a whirlwind of emotions. The loss and grief for our Vanessa is so immense, filled every inch of me and we all know this baby is not here to replace her. No one can and never will. I never thought I would make this journey without Bessa by my side, and it hurts me in more ways than I can explain. It shouldn’t be like this,” she writes in the Instagram post.

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