The most effective exercise sports moves that can be done at home – The easiest moves to do sports at home

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You can do exercises at home using sports equipment, as well as without the need for any equipment. By adding various exercises to your training programs, you can both train your body more effectively and prevent the exercises from becoming monotonous. With different exercises working different regions and muscles, your whole body will be shaped and you can gain a fit look.

What sports can be done at home?

Exercises are indispensable for losing weight or having a muscular body. In both cases, it will be insufficient to work certain areas and do a few fixed exercises. For example, it is not possible to lose weight by working only the abdominal area. However, with the work of the whole body, weight is lost in a healthy way. For bodybuilding, the aim is to work all the muscles in the body. For this reason, people who are new to sports are recommended exercises in which the whole body is worked separately, called full-body training. Afterwards, you can turn to different training programs according to your expectations from sports in line with your own wishes. For this, it is recommended to get support from professionals such as sports trainers, sports coaches and personal trainers at every step.

If you do not have enough time during the day, it may be preferable to do sports at home instead of going to the gym. For this, you can arrange a suitable place in your home at low cost. Since the floor you work on is important, you can start the process by choosing a product that will not harm your body, such as a gym mat or pilates mat. Ventilating your working environment is another important issue. Because the body needs more oxygen during exercise. In addition, choosing flexible sports clothes that do not tighten your body and do not have long legs and arms will allow you to do sports more comfortably.

What exercises can be done at home?

Doing sports at home can be just as effective as doing sports in the gym. Warming up and stretching should be done before the exercises. This is how the body and muscles become ready for sports. At the same time, muscle pain and injuries are prevented. After warming up, you can start the actual exercises. First of all, home exercise movements that can be done without the need for sports equipment can be listed as follows:

  • Zumba
  • mountain climbing
  • squat
  • rush up
  • plank
  • lunge
  • bench dips
  • Shuttle
  • Superman

In order to lose weight that you can do at home, sports movements can also be done with different equipment. In the first stage, you can do various exercises with resistance band and dumbbells. In this way, your exercise program will be diversified and you can get away from monotony. In addition, different movements stimulate the muscles and contribute to their effective work. Here are some exercise moves you can do using a resistance band:

  • Hold the middle of the band under one foot and hold the ends with your hands. Without bending your back, bend forward from the hips and pull the band upwards with your arms bent. By doing this move, you can work the arm, shoulder and hip muscles.
  • Put the resistance band on your feet for the ankle jumping jack move. Lean forward and open your feet to shoulder height. Jump with your legs apart and return to the first position with one more jump. You can work many of the muscles in your legs with this move.
  • You can work the shoulder and back area with the band pulling movement. For this exercise, hold the resistance band at both ends and stretch your arms forward. As you exhale, open your arms to the sides.

How to do daily sports movements?

A fun dance activity, zumba is an exercise that works many muscles in the body and helps burn calories. You can work comfortably and pleasantly at home by watching videos accompanied by music. With Zumba, you can burn about 250 calories in half an hour. Mountain climbing (mountain climber) movement can also be preferred. The mountain climbing movement, which works the arm, shoulder and abdominal muscles, is applied in the push-up position. You can do this exercise by pulling your legs in turn towards your stomach and bringing them back to their original position. In the beginning, it is enough to do this exercise for 1 minute.

Squat exercise, which can be done with your own body weight or with extra weights, helps you burn calories while tightening the hip area. For an individual weighing 70 kg, squat exercise allows you to burn about 1 calorie at a time. For beginners, 2-3 sets and 10-15 reps per set are recommended. In order to do the movement correctly, you can first train your body by working without using weights. Known as push-ups in Turkish and very popular, this exercise especially works the shoulder, upper arm, and chest muscles. It also indirectly affects the abdominal muscles. If you are just starting out, it may be appropriate to do 5-10 repetitions of push-ups in 2 sets.

Balanced on the forearms and toes, the squat exercise mostly works your entire body. It is a difficult exercise to practice at the beginning, but you can increase the duration over time according to your own endurance. It will be enough to start with periods like 20-30 seconds. You can do the lunge movement, which works the front leg and hip area, without weights or by holding a full water bottle in your hand. In the exercise, you take a step forward and get down on your knee with the other foot. Then, while exhaling, start to rise and repeat the movement with the other foot. It may be easier to practice without weights, as it is difficult to balance in the initial phase.

You need a stable elevation at home to do bench dips, an exercise that activates the upper arm and chest muscles. On this elevation, your hands are fixed behind your back and your feet are extended forward. The body is lowered and lifted with support from the arms. The sit-up movement, which many people know, works the abdominal muscles. Care should be taken to ensure that the neck area is not forced. It would be healthier to do the exercise on a suitable ground. For this exercise, which works the arm and shoulder muscles, primarily the chest area, lie face down. The arms are extended straight ahead. By taking strength from the hips, the feet are lifted upwards. At the same time, the chest area and the arms are lifted up. You can perform 8-10 repetitions in a set.
