The “monster” described by the child turned out to be 50,000 bees | Foreign countries

The monster described by the child turned out to be

A huge swarm of puffins and a honey bee were found in the roof structures and behind the walls of the American family’s home.

In North Carolina, USA, a three-year-old girl had complained to her parents about monsters lurking on the walls of her room.

After months, behind the exciting sounds, a real surprise dawned.

The beekeeper who was alerted to the scene found the bees climbing up the outer wall towards the ceiling, whereupon the wall of the child’s bedroom was concentrated.

Instead of imaginary monsters, there was a group of tens of thousands of bees and a hive that had been diligently built for eight months.

From the hole made in the wall, an exceptionally loud swarm of ruffians came out.

– They flew inside with a force like from a horror movie, the mother of the family Mass Class described the BBC by.

Long columns of honey ran down the wall. 45 kilos of weight had accumulated on the honeycomb alone, he says The Guardian.

The hive and its diligent workers were removed from the house and the buzzing “monsters” were moved to continue their lives in the bee sanctuary.

The bees and their honey damaged the house’s electrical wiring and ultimately caused the family more than 20,000 dollars, or almost 19,000 euros, in damages.
