The moment it enters the human body, it spreads and builds its home! Increased by 50 percent as a result of the pandemic

The moment it enters the human body it spreads and

It has been announced that scabies, which has been defined as a ‘neglected tropical disease’ by the World Health Organization in recent years and has increased after the pandemic both in the world and in our country, still continues to exist.

Stating that the incidence of scabies increased by 50 percent after the pandemic in Turkey, Dermatology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Yurekli said, “Scabies scabies is caused by a parasite called syncoptes scabies. The moment this parasite enters the human body, the moment it enters the human palm, it immediately begins to dig a tunnel. It builds its house by digging tunnels and continues to reproduce by laying eggs there. Unless treated, the patient continues to itch and suffers from itching, which increases with increasing heat, especially at night. When someone in the family has scabies, they spread it to those around them. The most important issue is actually in this treatment. Because when we provide treatment, we say that the family member should also receive treatment. “When scabies is transmitted to a person, the itching disappears after 3 weeks,” he said.


“We see that scabies has increased in the last quarter of 2018,” said Assoc. Of course, we closed our homes with the corona virus epidemic that we faced after 2018. As family members, we kept in close contact with each other. We spent time in the same house for 7-10 days. If an individual carried scabies into a house, he could easily spread it to other individuals. This is also the case with the increase in scabies. We actually took it to the top. But these days, we, as dermatologists, are managing to defeat scabies,” he said.


