The members of the Riksdag’s desire for exercise increased

This year, roughly 2,700 motions have been submitted during the general motion time in September and early October, in widely varying subjects. However, they must apply to things that the Riksdag can decide on, not things that are the responsibility of the government or authorities.

That is more compared to 2022, but still fewer than all other years since 2015. In 2021, for example, 4,149 motions were submitted.

For the members, the independent motions can be a kind of valve or opportunity to profile themselves in issues of the heart that may not be driven by their respective parties. But very few of them result in legislation or change, although all must be taken up for consideration.

Some members of the Riksdag compete to be the one who submits the most motions. This year, that table is topped by two moderates and a Sweden Democrat with 133, 128 and 108 submitted motions respectively

This year, exercise time started on September 12 and ended on Thursday, October 5.
