The man who fulfilled his dream of being a collie thanks to a hyper-realistic suit

The man who fulfilled his dream of being a collie

A netizen named Toco spent a fortune making a hyper-realistic collie costume out of fur and faux fur. to fulfill his dream. The man showed on YouTube the process of ‘transforming’ himself into a long-haired collie, made possible by special effects company Zeppet.

More specifically, this Japanese two million yen (about 14,600 euros) was spent. To achieve this very real result, which is not a dog but looks like one, it took 40 days to make this recreation of canine anatomy for a human to wear.

They used photos of collies from different angles

We use photos of collies taken from different angleswe improved the fluffiness of the fur to hide the shell of the costume as much as possible, and we made the mouth open and close on its own,” they explained. from the company.

In addition, they added that currently the main clients of their company are film and advertising companies, thus assuming individual orders about 10% of the total.

This company made a suit with synthetic fur, covered with artificial hair, with the shape, color and texture of a dog’s hair. After analyzing the canine anatomy, they designed the suit so that the man could put it on but retain the shape of the dog.

Great impact on social media

Although the man did it for his own pleasure to feel like a dog, when I realized that the result was so realistic and impressive, he wanted to share it on social networks. “I felt it was a waste to wear it alone and be satisfied so I posted a videoTaco told Nippon TV.

When asked why he started sharing photos and videos of himself in the dog costume, he replied that I didn’t expect it to have “such an impact”, Well, his image went viral and has had a great impact worldwide.
