The majority of MEPs demand the abolition of Hungary’s right to vote in the meetings of the member states for a limited period | Foreign countries

The majority of MEPs demand the abolition of Hungarys right

The initiative of MEP Petri Sarvamaa (council) expanded into the position of the European Parliament.

The majority of the European Parliament approved a resolution in which Hungary’s right to vote in the meetings of the Council, i.e. the member states, would be taken away for a limited period of time. The resolution was approved by 345 votes to 104.

The Parliament thus tries to create pressure on the Commission and member states to intervene in Hungary’s activities.

The resolution was supported by the center-right EPP, the Socialists and Democrats, the center-liberal Renew, the left and the Greens.

Hungary’s supporters are especially the right-wing populist ID group and the conservative ECR group, the majority of which voted against.

Finnish people Teuvo Hakkarainen (ps.) voted no and the others present voted in favor.

According to the Parliament’s press release, the EU must not succumb to blackmail or trade with strategic interests.

MEP Petri Sarvamaa (collective) gathered names for a petition during the session of the parliament to remove the right to vote in Hungary. The petition received 125 signatures, but the support for the matter was wider than this in the parliament.

Hungary’s hard work may bore the member states

The situation escalated when Hungary refused to accept the 50 billion euro aid to be paid to Ukraine at the December summit. The payment of the subsidy will now be discussed at an extraordinary summit on February 1.

Many EU countries are angered by Hungary’s actions and would like to suspend the right to vote. However, member states are cautious. Up until now, Poland has stood by Hungary’s side, although in the elections the power has changed in a pro-EU direction. For example, right-wing populists came to power in the Netherlands.

Taking away the right to vote would require a unanimous decision from countries other than Hungary.

Due to the violation of the rule of law, EU subsidies from Hungary have been frozen. According to the Union, Hungary has shortcomings in democracy, the independence of the judiciary and, among other things, the treatment of minorities.

Parliament has previously demanded the abolition of Hungary’s right to vote.

MEPs are also looking into suing the Commission over the aid granted to Hungary in December. The Commission released ten billion euros of frozen subsidies to Hungary. According to the commission, Hungary has made progress in reforms. According to the position of the Parliament, no funds may be granted as long as there are problems.
