the left wants better salaries for teachers, Zemmour a ministry of “remigration”

By Yannick Jadot, who defends a ” reconciliation project around the school To the spokesperson for Fabien Roussel who offers 30% salary increase for teachers, the left marks its difference with Emmanuel Macron on the question of education. Eric Zemmour, he returns to his favorite theme: the great replacement. The Reconquest candidate plans, if elected, to create a ministry of “remigration”.

Yannick Jadot presented, on March 21, his program for the school, against what he called intensive learning and permanent evaluation. RFI’s special envoy Anthony Lattier followed this presentation.

“We evaluated 65,000 recruitments in our determination to ensure that, especially at the youngest age, there are no numbers above 25 students, because this is an absolutely essential age. We also want to guarantee the replacement of teachers. We also want to promote collective work, cooperation between teachers, interdisciplinarity. It is also the possibility of more outdoor activities, sport, nature, culture, manual work… and that’s how we arrive at 65,000 jobs. »

Another measure of the environmentalist candidate: increase teachers’ salaries by 20%. The question caused a lot of reaction on the left after Emmanuel Macron’s proposals last week to condition an increase in the remuneration of teachers to additional missions. Ian Brossat, the campaign manager of communist candidate Fabien Roussel, was a guest of the Debate on RFI last night.

“All teachers in the republic today are deserving people, who all deserve to see their salaries increased and that is why with Fabien Roussel we are proposing a 30% increase. But what worries me the most in Emmanuel Macron’s remarks about schools is when he talks about developing the autonomy of establishments, that is to say in reality of managing schools as we runs a business. Exactly what we have done in the hospital in recent years, with the consequences that we know. »

The left which also seizes the question of purchasing power

This is the main concern of the French in this campaign, while energy prices are soaring. On our antenna last night, Nathalie Arthaud from Lutte Ouvrière explained how to finance minimum wages and pensions at €2,000 net.

“What is urgent is that we go and see the accounts of large companies. So you have to have this claim, abolish business secrecy, abolish business secrecy because the money is going somewhere. When you see that the big oil groups are using this crisis, when there is no embargo, but to sway labels, to make superprofits. It is the same for all those who are speculating on wheat. »


Corsica was also discussed yesterday

The island, plagued by riots a few days ago after the attack in prison of the independence activist Yvan Colonna, detained for the assassination of the prefect Érignac died on Tuesday March 21. Reaction of Philippe Poutou of the New Anti-Capitalist Party.

“What is happening is a demonstration that by dint of making fun of the mouth of the world as Darmanin did or as Macron did, at some point, it bursts. This is what happened with the youth. And she doesn’t get angry just because they felt betrayed by Macron’s false promises and the right to political autonomy, they can’t get it, it’s not just that . Young people today can no longer manage to live properly, they can’t settle down or find housing… so at some point, the only way out is anger and anger becomes riot, as you say, from the moment the police attack those who defend themselves. » [Entretien enregistré avant qu’on apprenne la mort d’Yvan Colonna, des suites de ses blessures hier soir]

For her part, Valérie Pécresse regrets that Emmanuel Macron has “played the clock in the file of Corsican prisoners” and calls to “do not ignite” the island.

On the far right, the Reconquest candidate tries to limit his fall in the polls

Eric Zemmour is still losing ground. The latest figures credit him with 10% of voting intentions. He was this Tuesday evening, guest of the M6 ​​television channel.

“I want a ministry of ‘remigration’ and the expulsion of foreigners who are no longer wanted, that is to say illegal immigrants… I expel delinquents, criminals. I expel the S files. I propose the return per year of 100,000 undesirable foreigners. Emmanuel Macron brought in two million foreigners in five years, I want to bring out a million. »

The far-right candidate concluded: “If we continue like this, in 60 years we will be a Muslim country. » Eric Zemmour returns to his favorite theme, the conspiracy theory of the great replacement, “the reason why he is a candidate. »
