The lawyer: “The means of coercion will be used for other purposes”

The government’s proposals for more drones, more camera surveillance, facial recognition and automatic removal of license plates must be quickly investigated before they are introduced to the police. Chief prosecutor Lise Tamm believes that it is time for Sweden to increase surveillance and catch up with its European neighbours.

– We are far, far behind and must implement this now, says Tamm.

“Sweden has failed”

But if you create a surveillance society, there is no turning back, says lawyer Johan Eriksson. He does not believe that further insight into people’s lives is the solution:

– It is about fundamentally changing a society. Sweden has failed completely with integration – more and more people feel left out, and you won’t solve that with any of the tools you give the police.

Lise Tamm agrees that the social aspects of the overall issue are important, but that a development on that front is not enough.

– We have to do both, to succeed in stopping them, she says.
