The grown-ups have a thing! The most traditional pain reliever! Hair, nail and skin care is asked of him: What are the benefits of henna?

The grown ups have a thing The most traditional pain reliever

Henna not only has its place in traditional Turkish culture and customs, but it is also very beneficial in terms of health. There is an important reason why our elders have used henna on their hands and hair for years. While the benefits of henna in terms of health do not end by counting, it turns out that the most important benefit is its analgesic feature. Henna, which is very effective against all pains, is especially effective against burn scars. You can use henna, which heals the burn scar very quickly, for pain relief.

Red and pink henna flowers are good for headaches. When henna flowers are mixed with vinegar, it can eliminate headaches in a short time. Apart from this, it is possible to apply henna in the form of a paste to relieve headaches.


Apart from its traditional place in Turkish culture, the health benefits of henna applied to the body are surprising. Although the most important benefit of henna is its analgesic feature, it has very important effects against nail, hair, skin care and inflammation.



Henna prevents spills on the skin due to its ingredients. It protects skin cells and prevents skin thickening. Henna is useful against scabies, a skin disease that usually occurs when there is too much contact with animals. Applying it as a paste to the affected part of the scabies disease can make the problem disappear.


Henna is widely used in the treatment of acne and acne. Apart from this, henna is used for therapeutic purposes against skin diseases that occur on the skin or in different parts of the skin.


Henna prevents hair loss. Regularly applied henna to the hair prevents hair breakage and strengthens the hair. Balancing the Ph value of henna helps to eliminate the dandruff problem and dryness of the scalp. Henna is effective against dandruff. Henna promotes hair growth and strengthens hair follicles.



Henna is widely used in nail treatment. It has a therapeutic feature, especially for nails that have a tendency to crack. When henna is applied to the nails in flaky form, it can make the nail structure, which has a tendency to break, disappear. Maximum efficiency can be obtained when a mixture of genuine oil and henna powder is used.


Henna, which is an effective source of healing for burns, is also good for inflammatory diseases that occur in the tongue or oral cavity when gargling. It is thought to cure thrush disease.



Widely used in the treatment of diseases by alternative medicine, henna also has the following benefits:

  • When mixed with beeswax and rose oil, henna can be beneficial for back pain.
  • Some sources state that it increases sexual desire.
  • When henna is applied to the soles of the feet, it is said to be beneficial for chickenpox and some eye diseases.
  • Henna is also thought to be an effective insect repellent.
  • When henna is applied to the feet, it can eliminate cases of fungus on the feet. In addition, when applied to the scalp, it can prevent the formation of a scalp boil.
  • Henna also has a cleansing property, so it is widely applied to the palms of the hands.
  • Smelling the henna applied to the palm is good for headaches.
  • Mixing it with olive oil is beneficial for muscle health. It has been known since ancient times that henna is beneficial for muscle health.
  • Due to its antibacterial properties, henna is generally effective against infectious and inflammatory diseases.
  • Henna can partially prevent the development of some cancer tumors.
  • It is still being researched that it has benefits for spleen health. Recently, it has been widely used for spleen health.
  • Some sources state that henna reduces spasms.
