The government wants to see registers for explosives

The government wants to see registers for explosives
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full screen Equality Minister Paulina Brandberg (L), Civil Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M) and Infrastructure and Housing Minister Andreas Carlson (KD) want to cut off criminals’ access to explosives. Photo: Claudio Bresciani/TT

The government wants to make it harder for criminals to get hold of legal explosives.

Several authorities are now tasked with developing measures – at the same time as a national permit register to track explosives is to be introduced.

– Sweden is in an exceptionally serious situation with gang crime and serious organized crime that is eating away at Swedish society, says Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M), Minister of Civil Defence, at a press conference.

The government has given the Agency for Community Safety and Preparedness (MSB) together with the authorities that are part of the National Forum for Explosives Safety to “intensify the work to crack down on the illegal use of explosives”.

– We have seen a large increase in explosives as a consequence of it being too easy to get hold of explosives that are legally available in society. And it is something that the government is now taking seriously, says Bohlin.

In addition, the government is taking steps towards a national register of explosive goods.

– Such a register is an important tool to stop the illegal handling of explosives, says Gender Equality Minister Paulina Brandberg (L).
