the game is postponed again, this time to 2024, should we worry?

the game is postponed again this time to 2024 should

This time it’s official: Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is once again postponed, this time to the beginning of the year 2024. The information had already been given by Jason Schreier a few weeks ago and the Bloomberg journalist had still had the right information. The Rocksteady title will therefore not be released on May 24, 2023 as planned, but on February 2, a postponement of 9 months, a fairly substantial period. Many journalists and analysts are wondering, because pushing a game so far is no longer synonymous with tweaking; we are really in fundamental changes. We remember that the last State of Play last February had cooled many players, who did not expect to see a service game. Some even compared it to Fortnite, which obviously created a bad buzz around the game. What’s going on at Rocksteady? Do we fear a launch already doomed as was the case with Square Enix’s Forspoken? He is also subject to many bad returns throughout his communication campaign. It could well be that the developers make big changes, except that 9 months is obviously not enough to change the complete nature of the game. In any case, it’s not a good sign…

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League

Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League
