The First Superman Comic Sold for 200 Million TL

The First Superman Comic Sold for 200 Million TL

Action Comics #1, the first Superman comic book, published in 1939, sold for record prices at Heritage Auctions.

There were two important sales in the comic book world. First Superman comicTwo different copies of Action Comics #1 from 1938, one of the turning points in comic book history, were sold for record prices. In the first session of the four-day Comic Book Auction organized by Heritage Auctions, a copy of this comic book, which made Superman an iconic character, was sold for 6 million dollars (approximately 200 Million TL). With this sale, this copy, with a CGC rating of 8.5, has become one of the best condition copies available.

First Superman Comic Sold for Record Price

Another sale that took place at the relevant auction was the sale of another copy of Action Comics for 576,000 dollars (approximately 18.5 Million TL). This sale was recorded as the highest amount ever for a restored comic book. Heritage Auctions Vice President Barry Sandoval said these two surprise sales were “an all-time record for a comic book.”

According to CGC, Action Comics No. It is estimated that only 100 copies of 1 in total survive. It was shared by Heritage that a copy with a CGC 0.5 rating was sold for $408,000 last year. As part of the same auction, a letter written by Jerry Siegel to Russell Keaton describing Superman as a time traveler from the distant future was also sold for $264,000.

These record sales show that comic book collecting and interest in these works continues to increase.
