The first case of covid-19 passed from cat to human has been detected!

The first case of covid 19 passed from cat to human

As a result of scientific studies conducted in Thailand for about a year, it was determined that Covid-19 was transmitted from a cat to a human for the first time. As a result of the research conducted by Prince of Songkla University in Bangkok, it was determined that a 32-year-old veterinarian, who had covid-19 last year, caught the virus from a cat whose owners were also covid-19 at that time and sneezed in his face during treatment. Within the framework of the researches, the virus gene samples of the virus samples taken from the veterinarian and the virus gene samples of the cat that he treated 5 days before the illness and sneezed in the face during the treatment and the owners of the cat showed a high similarity. It was determined that the cat, who caught the virus from its owners, passed it to the veterinarian after sneezing while the mucus sample was taken for its treatment.


It was stated that the veterinarian only wore a mask and did not wear any face shield during the treatment he applied to the cat.


As a result of research conducted in recent years, scientists stated that many mammals such as cats, dogs, voles, ferrets, bats, hamsters, mink, pigs, rabbits, and foxes can be carriers of the covid-19 virus. Last year, a statement was issued by the American Health Organization in the USA that domestic cats and dogs can be carriers of the covid-19 virus, and that owners of positive cases should follow the personal distance rules applied to a human, just like their animals.

