The conversation after the suspected double murder in Ulricehamn: “Have killed two”

The conversation after the suspected double murder in Ulricehamn Have

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Two people have been found dead in an apartment in Ulricehamn.

A man who was in the home called the police after the incident, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

– I have killed two people, he said, according to the information.

The cordons have begun to be taken down after the night’s drama at an apartment building in Ulricehamn, but the police are still on the scene and are searching with dog patrols for suspicious tracks.

– It is a very nice residential area with lush trees and villas. alternating with apartment buildings. There is nothing to indicate that this would be a crime scene, but it is so after all, says Aftonbladet’s reporter Joachim Kerpner, who is on the scene.

It was around 01:00, on the night of Wednesday, that masked people climbed onto a balcony and smashed a windowpane before entering an apartment, according to information given to Aftonbladet.

Two people who were in the home were woken up by the bang and a commotion ensued.

When the police and ambulance arrived at the scene, they found two dead men. According to the information, a knife must have been used.

A man is said to have alerted the police and said he had killed two people. The prosecutor’s office confirms that a man in his 20s and a girl under 18 have been arrested on suspicion of murder.

– We were on the scene early and were able to arrest the perpetrators. Now a lot of work awaits to be able to understand what happened and the underlying motive, says Malin Kannius, investigation leader, at the Borås local police area.

full screen Photo: ANDERS DEROS

“There may be more perpetrators”

The police do not want to say more about what happened in the home, but confirm that they are investigating the information that masked people entered.

– There is such a task and it may very well be that way, but it may also be in some other way. We cannot rule anything out. The case is spreading, says police spokesperson Christer Fuxborg.

– We have to get the technical investigation on the table to be able to investigate it.

The police do not rule out that more people may be arrested in the case.

– There are hypotheses and traces of interest. We must not turn a blind eye to the fact that there may be more perpetrators, says Christer Fuxborg.

Chamber prosecutor Martin Svensson confirms that the two arrested persons have now been arrested and will be questioned during the afternoon.

“At the moment, I cannot say anything more about the circumstances. The investigation is initially in a sensitive situation and people need to be interrogated without information having previously been released to the media,” he says in a press release.
