the Citizens’ Convention in favor of a law on active assistance in dying

the Citizens Convention in favor of a law on active

While noting important nuances, the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life, which for months has brought together French people drawn by lot to guide the action of the executive, concluded its debates on Sunday, April 2 by confirming its majority position.

For a majority of citizens of the Convention, access to active assistance in dying must be open. This is the conclusion of the report voted on Sunday by the Citizens’ Convention on the end of life, which brings together at the initiative of the government 184 French people drawn by lot. She had to say if the current end-of-life legislation seems to them suitable for all situations.

Shades and Divisions

The Claeys-Leonetti law authorizes a “ prolonged and continuous sedation », In other words, a final plunge into unconsciousness, for patients in a desperate state in the short term and whose suffering is intolerable. But it does not go so far as to authorize a ” active assistance in dying », that is to say either an act of euthanasia by a caregiver, or assisted suicide.

► To read also: A brief history of euthanasia and assisted suicide since Antiquity

But if they call on the government to profound changes to allow better support at the end of life, they do not hide the divisions on the subject and reveal important nuances in their report. Thus, the Convention does not express a majority position on the case of minors or that of persons incapable of expressing their will. It insists on setting up a complex course, with numerous safeguards. She also pleads for a conscience clause allowing caregivers to refuse to perform an act of euthanasia or assisted suicide. The report also precisely details various positions, including the minority position against legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide.

For better access to palliative care

Lack of caregivers, medical deserts… The participants also wanted to begin their report by drawing attention to ” the alarming situation » of the French health system and the concrete difficulties of access which result from it to what is already provided for by law, in particular the sufficient supply of palliative care. Beyond the single question of euthanasia or assisted suicide, the convention therefore makes a long list of recommendations to develop palliative care and facilitate access to it.

What will now happen to these recommendations? President Emmanuel Macron, who had in the past spoken out for a change in the law but now refrains from speaking out clearly, is due to receive the participants in the Convention on Monday to say what follow-up he intends to give to their work.

► To listen also: [Tour du monde des correspondants] End of life: the situation in Belgium, the United States, Italy and South Africa

(With AFP)
