The church is preparing for war – thousands of graves are to be accommodated here in Eskilstuna

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The Church of Sweden must review its crisis and preparedness plans to be ready if the country experiences a serious crisis or, in the worst case, war. For Daniel Sandberg, it is, among other things, about checking that there is enough land for a large number of new graves.

These days he has had a meeting with Eskilstuna Municipality about additional land, even though the church already has a lot.

– It has been a long time since the funeral business should be able to bury five percent of the residents of a town, in this case Eskilstuna, and we have that, says Daniel Sandberg.

Digging graves by hand

In addition to the purely practical aspect of space, there is also much else to think about. As the church cannot count on there being electricity for the crematorium in, for example, a war situation, burials will be in coffins.

– We have to make sure that there is fuel for machines to be able to dig the graves and also the possibility to dig by hand if it is necessary, says Daniel Sandberg.

In the clip, Daniel Sandberg shows land, which is currently leased out as arable, but could be used as a burial ground in times of crisis.
