the child found 11 years after her abduction, what now?

the child found 11 years after her abduction what now

In 2011, Priscilla Majani kidnapped her 5-year-old daughter, little Camille Chauvet. The police had never found her since… Until March 1, 2022, when she was located in Switzerland, we learned on Monday March 14. The teenager is now 16 years old.

It was a publicly known parental abduction. Abducted in the Var and taken to an unknown destination by her mother, a military engineer in 2011, Camille Chauvet has never been seen since, despite all the search notices posted in airports or police stations and the research file on her mother disseminated by Interpol. We are completely unaware of the course of these 11 years. The reasons for the kidnapping were also unclear: his mother had tried to obtain his custody, in vain, before Alain Chauvet, his ex-husband, obtained it. His mother is already well known to the courts since she was tried three times by the Toulon judicial court, and sentenced to a total of six years in prison for “non-representation of a minor”, “slanderous denunciation”, and “subtraction of a child”.

This is Var-Morning who revealed the information: Piscilla Majani, her mother, was apprehended on 1er march in the canton of Vaud, during a simple police check. She was temporarily imprisoned, the time that an extradition procedure is initiated, but especially that the investigation is carried out. Camille Chauvet was placed under the responsibility of the organization responsible for child protection in the canton of Vaud, but we do not know for how long at the moment. A hearing will be held to determine whether this measure should be extended. (more info to follow)
