The chainsaw man in court: “I wanted to be scared”

It was on the night of April 7 that a drunken man armed with an ax and a chainsaw allegedly attacked his neighbor in eastern Blekinge.

Just as he is about to attack, the police arrive and shoot the man in the right leg, after he remained with the chainsaw running despite the police’s pleas for him to drop it.

Understand that it was perceived as threatening

On Wednesday, the last day of the trial will be held in the case where the man is accused of both serious illegal threats and serious threats against an official. When the chainsaw man is heard in the courtroom, he says that he has long been harassed by the neighbor and therefore decided to seek him out during the night.

– I decided to scare him so that the harassment would stop, says the accused man, who also says that he drank 20 beers at the time and therefore does not remember much.

He says he understands that the police perceived the situation as threatening, but that the shooting could have been avoided.

– The police were shouting at each other so I didn’t hear what they were saying. If they had just taken it easy, this would never have happened, he says.

According to the man, he never intended to harm the police.

The proceedings in Blekinge district court continue throughout the afternoon.
