Seven people are said to be hanged in Iran

Seven people are said to be hanged in Iran



full screenPeople witness a public execution in Iran. Archive image. Photo: Hamideh Shafieeha/AP/TT

Seven people, including two women, have been hanged in Iran, according to the Norway-based rights organization Iran Human Rights (IHR).

One of the women, a 53-year-old, was hanged in Urmia prison along with five men convicted of drug offences.

The second woman, a 27-year-old, was executed in Nishapur, convicted of murdering her husband.

223 people have been executed so far in Iran this year, according to the IHR, including 50 in May.

– Those executed belong to poor and marginalized groups of Iranian society and did not have fair trials, says IHR head Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam.
