The candy giant offers its staff days off – with full pay

The candy giant offers its staff days off with

In the run-up to Easter, the candy company Hultén Försäljning is busy. But soon the staff will reduce their working hours and get to enjoy some extra time off.

In weeks 16–24, the employees at Hultén Sales only work four days a week – with full pay.

For Today’s industry says the owner Leif Hultén that in 2024 it will be the fifth year in a row.

– You work a little more efficiently on the days you are here. You don’t take unnecessary meetings, you are more structured and only do what you have to, says Hultén to DI.

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Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT. The candy giant runs a four-day work week with full pay

In terms of revenue and turnover, the company has hardly suffered. On the contrary, growth has become greater. From 2020 to 2023, revenues increased by SEK 233 million.

When the proposal to work four days a week for a certain period of time was put forward, Leif Hultén was clear about how it would be done. The management group had suggested that you could take time off voluntarily against salary deductions. It was not liked by Hultén.

– Then it becomes a question of class. Many would not be able to afford to go down in time, and then it would be very wrong. Either everyone would be allowed to do it and with full pay, or no one would be allowed to do it.

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Photo: Mariam Butt/TT. Four-day work week: “Win-win”

Leif Hultén tells DI that the staff delivers.

– The staff feel better, we see that clearly in our anonymous health measurements. We have continued to have very low sickness rates, despite strong growth. Our employees say they feel more rested after a long weekend, and after a quieter spring and summer, they come back full of energy as the intense autumn begins. It’s win-win.

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