The bloody horses that ran away in London were taken to the country to recover – some will return to work already next week | Foreign countries

The bloody horses that ran away in London were taken

According to the British Ministry of Defence, the cavalry horses that ran away in London last April have recovered from the incident faster than expected.

Last April, five horses belonging to the cavalry unit of the British Army escaped from their trainers and started galloping through the streets of central London.

At that time, the horses were apparently startled by the noise of the nearby construction site, threw their riders off their backs and started galloping along the streets.

Five horses were injured during the escape.

However, on Tuesday, the British Ministry of Defense unexpectedly announced that three horses that were part of the runaway group are ready to return to service. The horses are scheduled to take part in the British King’s birthday parade.

“Contrary to all expectations, they are likely to take part in the King’s birthday parade on June 15,” an army spokesman told the British Broadcasting Corporation In an interview with the BBC.

According to the Ministry of Defence, there has been a “considerable improvement” in the health of all the horses injured in the incident.

– The remaining two horses are recovering in the countryside. They will return to work in time, the spokesperson continued.

The Ministry of Defense also thanked the experts for their “incredible support” and added that the work of charities and the excellent care provided by army vets were the reason that the horses’ health improved faster than expected.

CEO of the organization that took care of the horses Jeanette Allen says in an interview with the BBC that “it has been a privilege to give these wonderful horses space and time to recover”.

“All five horses are much younger than our normal clients and to see them running, rolling and generally having fun after such a challenging experience is a real joy,” said Allen.
