The biggest war film of the year opens in cinemas today – it runs 158 minutes and the streaming version is even longer

The biggest war film of the year opens in cinemas

What will be the bigger spectacle? Napoleon or Ridley Scott’s Napoleon press tour? Before the film’s release, the director of War Ham took on the entire French population and history experts, who criticized his rather lax approach to historical knowledge.

Anyway, starting today you can finally Admire Napoleon in the cinemas. We’ll give you a brief overview of everything that awaits you – from the plot to the running time.

Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon: That’s what the battle epic is about


Joaquin Phoenix as warlord Napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte lived from 1769 to 1821 and during this period he rose from general to French emperor. Legendary campaigns gave the military and strategic genius influence in the highest levels of politics. Director Ridley Scott said in a 2021 Deadline interview that he wanted this one Climb with six battles trace want. In the finished work we probably only see three major battles. In addition to his military and political career, Napoleon’s relationship with his wife Joséphine will play a large role in the film.

More about the film:

There are two versions of Napoleon and the shorter one is in theaters

Ridley Scott needed time to tell this epic story. And he took it, as he confirmed to Total Film. The director’s cut, which will be released separately after the theatrical release, is 250 (!) minutes long.

We show the theatrical version first, and then the optimal case is that [der Director’s Cut] with 4 hours and 10 minutes will be released as a stream. […]

If you watch Napoleon in cinemas from today, November 23rd, you will “only” 158 minutes see a long version of the film – a running time that is not uncommon in Scott’s work. His last two films, The Last Duel and House of Gucci, are also just shy of the 150-minute mark.

The longer Napoleon version is expected to be released exclusively on Apple TV+. The company produced the film together with Sony.
