The benefits to the body are incredible! Ends inflammation, lowers cholesterol

The benefits to the body are incredible Ends inflammation lowers

Black cumin, which is indispensable for people who trust the effects of natural products on health, is known as a spice. The benefits of black cumin and its pulp surprise those who hear. To increase the health benefits of black seed, you can swallow or chew a teaspoon of black seed for breakfast or before your dinner.

Black Seed Benefits


Antioxidants, which protect cells from free radicals, are abundant in black seed oil. Thymoquinone is one of these compounds. This compound is good for the lungs, anti-inflammatory and helps prevent liver damage.


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Black seed oil gets its anti-inflammatory properties from antioxidants. It may be effective in lowering the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s while helping to fight inflammation in the body. There are also claims that it can lower the risk of blood, colon and lung cancers. However, scientific data on this is needed.


It makes a positive contribution to lung health by providing protection against conditions such as bronchial asthma. It can help reduce the inflammation that asthma can cause on the airways.


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Some studies have linked black seed oil to lowering the risk of heart disease by lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. This claim is again based on antioxidants.


It has been determined by studies that Type 2 diabetes patients who take black seed supplements have a decrease in blood sugar levels. While it is stated that the antioxidants in black seed oil can help regulate your blood sugar level, it is known that regular blood sugar level is also effective in maintaining the ideal weight. Keeping the blood sugar level in balance is part of a healthy life. Irregular blood sugar levels can increase the risk of heart and kidney disease. In the short term, it can affect your energy and mood.

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It is said that it can also be effective in memory and focus. In a small-scale study, it was stated that black seed oil may have positive effects on memory, attention and cognition.


According to research, black seed oil provides benefits in the treatment of psoriasis and acne, thanks to its antipsoriatic content. However, more research is needed. It can be good at opening clogged pores and controlling oil in oily skin. Black seed oil, which contains vitamins A, B and C, helps the skin retain moisture. It gives the skin a healthy elasticity. Together with healthy fatty acids, it contributes to improving facial lines that become evident with aging. Vitamin A, amino acids and fatty acids work together to regenerate skin cells. Black seed oil can prevent color changes that can be seen on the skin over time. It can also reduce the appearance of blemishes and redness.

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OTHER BENEFITS OF Nigella sativa

  • Black cumin helps strengthen the immune system.
  • It can be your supporter while fighting cancer.
  • It shows a bloating effect from digestive system problems.
  • It can be effective in reducing allergic reactions with an effect such as an antihistamine. It can improve allergic symptoms, especially in hay fever.
  • Applying a gel containing black seed extract may show acne-healing properties.
  • When people who use asthma medications eat black cumin in addition to these drugs, cough, wheezing, respiratory and lung complaints may improve.
  • Again, in people with COPD, black seed oil can help heal the lungs.
  • Diabetes patients’ consumption of black cumin seeds or black cumin oil every day can balance their blood sugar levels.
  • Consuming black cumin powder may be beneficial for Helicobacter pylori infection, which can cause ulcers.
  • It is not correct to expect that black seed, which is said to be able to reduce the blood pressure level of healthy people, is effective for high blood pressure.
  • It is stated that it gives positive results on sperm count and movement.
