Research shows that babies born with normal birth can be in contact with microorganisms in the birth canal of their mothers and have a richer and healthy microbiota.
Cesarean At birth, babies encounter different bacteria by contacting the skin of their mother. This may cause weaker intestinal microbiota and increase the risk of developing some diseases. Antibiotics used during cesarean delivery can also reduce the diversity of the baby’s microbiota. Dr. Ramazanoğlu emphasized the positive effects of normal birth on the health and immunity of newborn babies.
“The way of birth plays a major role in the formation of microbiates”
Emphasizing that the richer microbiota of the babies born with normal birth, Ramazanoğlu said, “Microbiota is the name given to the community of bacteria, viruses and mushrooms in the human body and its surroundings. When babies come to the world, the useful microorganisms in their bodies (microbiota) develop a healthy way. Incoming babies, because they come into contact with the beneficial bacteria of their mothers, they have a richer and healthy microbody’s bacteria. It may lead to an increase in the risk of getting caught. In addition, the antibiotics used during cesarean delivery can reduce the diversity of the baby’s microbiota, “he said.
“Whatever the way of birth, the mother should be provided with the mother immediately”
Expressing the importance of breastfeeding. Dr. Zeynep Banu Ramazanoğlu, “Regardless of the way of birth, the baby to have a healthy microbiota to ensure the skin contact with the mother and the early start of breastfeeding is very important. Especially the colostrum, especially the baby’s immunity, the baby’s immunity to strengthen the very valuable nutrients. They can be provided with a stronger immune system at the age, “he said.