the anger of small shareholders at the meeting of Orpea

the anger of small shareholders at the meeting of Orpea

The shareholders of Orpea, the world’s number one group of nursing homes, met in Paris on Thursday morning July 28. This is the first time the board and shareholders have met since the book was released. The Gravediggers, journalist Victor Castanet, who denounced the mistreatment of residents in the company’s EHPAD and embezzlement of money. Many complaints have since been filed by families of victims.

During this meeting, the shareholders voted for the renewal of four members of the board of directors and validated the arrival of Guillaume Pepy, the former boss of the SNCF, as president of Orpea.

In front of the glass building, protected by two security guards, the last shareholders come out of the general meeting, relates our journalist Stephane Duguet.

This holder of 147 shares wears a white beard and a black t-shirt, he no longer has many teeth and his hospitalization in an Orpea clinic did not go well: “ I had asked for minced meat and they put me in the mix, the pâté is exactly what we fed the ducks when I went to the countryside, I considered that I was badly treated because that I was not given to eat. He hopes the new board will put an end to abuse and embezzlement.

Bruno Orlando, also a shareholder, is skeptical. ” These are fine words, now I prefer actions, already an increase in action, that would already be good, and at the same time the care, the permanent checks in the establishments. »

I hope the taxman will strip the former director and the white-collar hooliganism!

The 75-year-old shareholder is very angry with the former management, which he holds responsible. ” They got caught red-handed so I hope the IRS will strip the ex-manager and the white-collar thuggery! »

During the meeting, the room was half empty. It is no coincidence for this holder of 99 shares, who nevertheless had difficulty entering. “ How many shareholders have been expelled! Already, they have blocked, because they wanted to limit, they were afraid that people would complain too much, angry, that’s what they do every time there are problems with companies, c ‘unacceptable. »

Even if a share is worth 22 euros today against 80 seven months ago, there is no question for these shareholders of reselling their shares.

Read also: Shaken by the scandals, Orpea reaches an agreement with the banks to ensure its financing
