The allegations have been confirmed… Israel is using this bomb in Gaza! Its use is prohibited: It continues to burn inside the human body…

The allegations have been confirmed Israel is using this bomb

In its statement from X, London-based Amnesty International stated that Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Laboratory confirmed that Israeli military units striking Gaza were equipped with white phosphorus artillery shells. The statement stated that the organization is investigating incidents in which white phosphorus was apparently used in Gaza, including an attack near a hotel on the Gaza coast, and the following was noted:

“White phosphorus is an incendiary substance often used to create dense smoke screens or to mark targets. When exposed to air, it burns at extremely high temperatures and can continue to burn inside the human body. It causes horrific suffering and life-changing injuries and cannot be extinguished with water. Here’s why White phosphorus should never be used in civilian areas.”


The statement underlined that Gaza is one of the most densely populated regions in the world and said, “As we continue to closely examine these extremely worrying cases, Amnesty International calls on Israel to respect international humanitarian law at all times, and civilians must be protected.” The expression was used.

In its statement yesterday, Human Rights Watch (HRW) stated that Israel used white phosphorus in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon.



It is stated that white phosphorus, which Palestinian officials and Human Rights Watch (HRW) announced was used by Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, is extremely poisonous to humans.

While the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been ongoing since October 7, HRW’s statement that Israel “put civilians at risk of serious and long-term injury” by using white phosphorus in its military operations in Gaza and Lebanon came to the fore.

White phosphorus used in military ammunition is obtained from phosphate rocks. The color of white phosphorus, which has a crystalline, solid structure, darkens when exposed to light.

white phosphorus

White phosphorus smoke, which is extremely toxic to humans, can cause sudden wounds in the lungs and suffocation due to inhalation when inhaled.

White phosphorus can also cause second and third degree burns on the skin.

This poisonous substance, which easily catches fire when it comes into contact with oxygen, is also used as a fog agent due to its ability to release white or yellow smoke.

When used as a bomb, white phosphorus causes fires as well as its explosive effect.

Fires caused by white phosphorus bombs can spread to large areas and these fires continue until the phosphorus in the area is exhausted.



Treatment of those exposed to white phosphorus is also very difficult due to the contagiousness of phosphorus.

The substance taken into the body through inhalation, skin contact or ingestion can stick to many surfaces and be transmitted by contact.

That’s why people treating injuries caused by this bomb need to receive special training to protect themselves.

It is stated that periodic exposure to the substance in question can cause advanced deformation of the jaw bone and cause it to break.



Under the United Nations (UN) Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW), aerial incendiary weapons attacks in civilian areas are prohibited.

There are no legal obstacles to using the smoke emitted by white phosphorus for purposes such as camouflaging military units in open areas.

On the other hand, discussions continue regarding whether white phosphorus should be considered a war crime due to the impact and harm it causes on people when used.



In the report titled “Looking the other way: Violations of the rules of war go unpunished in the Gaza War” published by HRW in April 2010, Israel’s “Cast Lead” campaign in the Gaza Strip, which started on December 27, 2008 and ended on January 18, 2009, It was stated that he used ammunition containing white phosphorus in his operation.

In the report, Israel’s use of ammunition containing white phosphorus in densely populated areas was listed among the policies implemented by political and military leaders that led to violations of the rules of war.
