Hail chaos in Poland – graves have flooded

About 30 millimeters of hail and rain lashed Gniezo, which is in the western part of the country, for about half an hour at lunchtime on Monday.

As of Monday evening, there were still no reports of serious injuries. But the storm has caused material damage to streets, buildings and cars.

Cemeteries appeal: Do not visit your loved ones

Even grave sites are said to have overflowed and the city’s cemetery administration went out and appealed to people to stay away. According to local media, several graves are at risk of collapsing.

According to the Polish weather agency, “violent” storms are expected to continue on Tuesday. Areas in the western and southeastern parts of the country are most at risk of being hit by hail, strong winds and rain.

Watch the clip: Here, the streets of Polish Gniezno are flooded.
