The 84-year-old trash activist picks up 700 pieces of trash – a day

After Ann-Kristin Pivén’s husband passed away, she moved to Lund and made the horrific discovery of prostitutes on the streets. Now she picks 700 cunts a day.

– Me feels good to be able to do this, says Ann-Kristin Pivén in Efter fem.

There is mushroom fever out in the forests, but one who devotes her time to other picking is 84-year-old Ann-Kristin Pivén from Lund. She picks 700 cunts every day. Something P4 Malmöhus was the first to report on.

It all started when Ann-Kristin’s husband passed away and she moved to Lund. When she went out into town to learn the streets, she got a shock.

– There were sluts everywhere, says Ann-Kristin Pivén in Efter fem.

Asked the municipality for help

She started putting up homemade “fimpa här” signs and ashtrays which she painted with beautiful motifs. But after two weeks these ashtrays were full and needed to be emptied. Then she contacted the municipality of Lund to get a collaboration, but unfortunately did not receive a positive message as you are no longer allowed to have ashtrays.

– Then people start smoking, says Ann-Kristin about why the municipality could not help.

Wants to invite himself

It’s not just cunts that the trash activist, as she’s nicknamed, picks, but everything that she doesn’t think should be out in nature. She felt that she just wants to be invited to a lot of things without wanting to do her part.

– I feel good about working on myself, I feel good about being able to do this, says Ann-Kristin.

“Pure joy”

But picking old, used, cunts is not something that she attaches great importance to, but she has acquired extra protective equipment.

– I have sewn an extra apron that says “pure joy” on it, says Ann-Kristin.

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