The 18-year-old admits the double murder at Malmö Latin School

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On Wednesday, the trial against the accused 18-year-old about the double murder at Malmö Latin School began. The trial began with him admitting both murders.

Lawyer Anders Elison says that his client has taken this tougher than expected. When pictures from the incident were shown during the trial, he made a sign to his client which meant that he would look away because the pictures were too rough.

– He probably feels a little worse than we both had expected. He is right on the border to handle this in a sensible way, he says.

The prosecutor further states that the accused had said, just before the trial started, that some of him still did not understand why he did this.

– Maybe he gets the answers during the trial – why he did as he did, says lawyer Anders Elison.

On Wednesday, TV4 Nyheter’s reporter Peter Wiren reported live from inside Malmö District Court – see it in the chat above.

In the player above: The lawyer tells how he thinks the accused will react when he is heard next week.

Facts: The double murder at Malmö Latin School

• The alarm about an ongoing event at Malmö Latin School came on December 17 in the evening of March 21. The police immediately handled it as an ongoing deadly violent situation and proceeded quickly to be able to interrupt.

• On the third floor were the two very seriously injured women and the 18-year-old. He was arrested at 17.22 – ten minutes after the alarm came.

• It was later confirmed that the two women, who were teachers at the school, had died from their injuries.

• The police seized several shelters at the site.

The 18-year-old student who was arrested was charged in early July with two murders.

• He has confessed to the murders and in interrogation he has described that he felt an exclusion and that he has difficulty taking adversity. He has long had a self-harming behavior and eventually even suicide plans. He has not been able to give a clear answer as to why he killed the teachers.

Source: TT
