The 10 foods to eat in case of gastro

The 10 foods to eat in case of gastro

Epidemics of gastroenteritis are frequent in winter. To recover quickly, we put on a diet that rehydrates and restores the wall of the intestines. Rice, yoghurt, coke… Tour of foods recommended in case of gastro.

Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. When you have a gastro, it is necessary to privilege foods that are gentle on the intestines and which regulate transit as rice (with his cooking water) Or the banana. On the other hand, we ban anything that will irritate the intestinal walls such as spices, cabbage, artichokepulses… and fatty foods. What foods to eat in case of gastro? What drinks to privilege?

1. Fish

Forget fatty fish, red meats and cold cuts and bet on lean fish like cod, cod, pollack, monkfish, whiting, flounder, turbot, sole, perch, ray or sea bass that you can cook en papillote or steam. Lean fish will provide your body with all the minerals it needs to recover, as well as good fats like omega-3s. Extra advice: use as little fat as possible for cooking because it is difficult to digest.

2. Yogurt

In case of gastro, you can introduce some dairy products such as yogurts into your diet. Ideally : one yogurt a day restore the intestinal flora. Indeed, yogurt contains lactic ferments, which are at the origin of probiotics. These are perfect microorganisms for stimulate the intestinal immune systempromote digestion and fight against diarrhea.

3. The carrot

Rich in sugar and pectin – a anti-diarrheal gelling agent – carrots are ideal in case of gastro because they play a role in the healing of the mucous membranes, damaged in case of vomiting and diarrhea. But on condition that they are well cooked! Raw, they contain too much fibre, which would stimulate transit and, on the contrary, promote diarrhea. Carrots also have a high content of mineral salts, ideal in case of liquid stools. Extra advice: cook your carrots in salted water and do not hesitate to mash them.

4. Rice

Rich in complex carbohydratesessential to supply the body with sugar (and therefore energy), but also with B vitamins and minerals, starchy foods – such as rice, white pasta – are recommended in the event of gastrointestinal illness because they allow slow down transit, fight against diarrhea and restore the intestinal flora. Anti-diarrheal and rich in starch, rice cooking water can also be consumed during the day. Extra advice: it is better to avoid consuming whole starchy foods (rice, pasta or wholemeal bread) which are too rich in fiber and which will rather stimulate transit.

5. Banana

Banana is one of the only fruits that can be eaten during gastro because the others contain too much fiber and stimulate transit. On the other hand, the fibers contained in the banana make it possible to capture water in the colon and reduce diarrhea. Rich in carbohydrates, it provides the body with the energy it needs to fight the virus. Extra advice: choose them very ripe! You can also eat apple compote for variety.

6. Turkey

During a gastro, you can eat once a day lean meat (prepared with very little fat and preferably grilled) such as turkey, chicken or veal. These meats are rich in essential amino acids and trace elements (iron, zinc, phosphorus…). Of course, avoid fried foods or breadcrumbs. Extra advice: we can also afford to eat a slice of white ham, served with well-cooked carrots or well-cooked rice.

7. Coca-Cola (degassed)

In case of gastroenteritis, avoid carbonated drinks as much as possible which (as their name suggests) contain gases and therefore encourage bloating. THE fruit juices and alcoholic beverages promote dehydration and can aggravate diarrhoea. But then, is Coke, often presented as the miracle cure during a gastro, to be banned? It would still be anti-emetic and anti-diarrheal (thanks to its high content of sugar and phosphoric acid) on the condition of take all the gas off him. To do this, stir your glass of Coca-Cola for a good minute to degas it and above all, don’t overdo it!

8. Potato

Green vegetables contain a lot of fiber. And these stimulate transit. So, in case of gastro and therefore acute diarrhea, you will have to give up eating green vegetables! Rather prefer cooked carrots or potatoes, much easier to digest. But once the digestive symptoms subside, you can gradually resume your usual diet.

9. Gomasio (salt and sesame)

Although some have antimicrobial properties, spices are known to facilitate intestinal transit and should therefore be avoided in the event of gastroenteritis. Likewise, avoid condiments like mustard or ketchup. To season your dishes, prefer salt or gomasio (a mixture of sesame and salt).

10. Herbal teas

Who says vomiting and diarrhoea, says dehydration and loss of water and mineral salts. So don’t hesitate to drink throughout the day! But what ? Water ad libitum (flat and ideally high in sodium), salted vegetable broth, chamomile, blueberry, bramble or lady’s mantle herbal teas… How much ? At least two liters a day! It may seem like a lot, but it’s the key to getting back on your feet quickly and getting your intestinal system back to normal!
