That’s how nutritious canned baby food is

Testfakta has analyzed the content of ten types of ready-made pasta with minced meat sauce for children aged six to eight months and then asked children’s dietitian Sara Ask to comment on the results. Sara states that it is not exactly energy bombs.

The analysis company primarily investigated how much heavy metals the ready-to-eat baby food contains, and there they were met with a positive surprise in the test.

– The good news is that we haven’t found any bad things, says Klaus Hahn, CEO of Testfakta in Nyhetsmorgon.

But there are big differences between the makes and there are mainly four that stand out, in a positive sense, notes Klaus Hahn.

– Overall, we can say that we don’t have a winner, because everyone has a little plus and minus. The two that stand out the most are Änglamark 8 months and Alex & Phil. Those who are a little weaker in the results are Hipp 8 months and Minstingen 6 months, he says.

Risk of iron deficiency

Children’s dietician Sara Ask says Test facts that the amount of nutrition in the baby food is crucial because small children need a lot of nutrition and notes that it is not enough to give the child ready-made baby food, but that you need to supplement the jars with other food such as iron-fortified porridge, fruit and vegetables.

Iron is one of the nutrients that children who eat normally can be deficient in, and there the test shows big differences between the brands. The daily recommended dose of iron is around 10 mg of iron and where Alex & Phil is higher than most others at 1.17 mg per 100 grams, even double the amount compared to the lowest products. There, Semper 6 months and Minstingen excel with low levels of iron, 0.4 and 0.7 mg per meal, respectively.

– Of the minerals, iron is the most important, with approximately 10 mg per day, says Klaus Hahn, CEO at Testfakta.

So the test was carried out

Testfakta’s news agency has, on behalf of Nordic media, analyzed the nutritional content of ready-made baby food in the form of pasta with minced meat sauce for children aged six to eight months. The analysis included the baby food’s energy value, fatty acid distribution, mineral content (zinc, magnesium and iron), salt and sugar content and the presence of harmful heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury).

– One thing you can read up on is how many calories they have and small children need incredibly nutrient-dense food. But there are many things you can’t read about, and that is how good the fat composition is, what minerals are in them and so on, says Klaus Hahn in Nyhetsmorgon.

Here is Testfakta’s entire test of canned baby food.

Today 08:42

Baby food test – how nutritious is canned baby food: “There is no winner”

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