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Marie Lanen
Head of parenting sections (baby, pregnancy, family), psychology and beauty

Achieving happiness is a goal to achieve in recent years. To achieve this, some experts provide valuable advice. This is particularly the case for the mental exercise of emotional caffeine. Doctissimo enlightens you.
According to an Ifop survey, “more generally, almost three quarters of French people say they are happy (72%), including 9% very happy. Conversely, 28% do not declare themselves happy, including 6% ‘not at all’“. To guide you towards happiness, some experts give advice. This is the case of social scientist Arthur Brooks who tells Mindbodygreen that emotional caffeine exercise is effective in achieving happiness. Explanation.
Use caffeine to help you be happier
If we’re talking about emotional caffeine here, it’s not a question of consuming several coffees a day to be happy. Social scientist Arthur Brooks recommends relying on how caffeine works to make you happier, by replacing one emotion with another. Indeed, according to him, “caffeine fits into the slots of adenosine, blocking parking spaces for adenosine. Caffeine Doesn’t Give You a Boost, It Keeps You From Getting Exhausted“. And added: “When you feel resentful, tell yourself: ‘I’m feeling a lot of resentment about everything that’s happening, so I’m going to focus on counting my blessings right now.‘”. An effective way to combat bad thoughts and avoid ruminating on them.
Good in his body, good in his head!
Gratitude, the secret to happiness?
According to the expert “vou use gratitude as an emotional substitute… When you are pessimistic, you choose hope. Not that you believe only good things will happen, but there are good things you can do and you are a doer of those things.“. Be careful, however, this is not about silencing your emotions but rather about taking the necessary break time to take a step back in order to be able to see the bright side of things. To achieve this, it is important to It may be interesting to adopt a new routine by doing meditation, in the morning or evening, or to carry out breathing exercises in order to better control your emotions. If, despite all your efforts, your negative thoughts take over, a Consultation with a psychologist can allow you to learn how to better manage your daily emotional storms.