Tepache: what are the benefits of this alternative to kombucha?

Tepache what are the benefits of this alternative to kombucha

Don’t throw away your pineapple peels! After kefir and kombucha, it’s tepache’s turn to attract attention. This fermented pineapple drink, rich in probiotics, is full of health benefits.

What is tepache?

Tepache, also called pineapple beerEast a fermented drink originating from Mexico concocted made from pineapple peels and unrefined sugar (traditionally piloncillo, but any other type of sugar can work: white sugar, cane or coconut sugar). We add to it some spices and water. The pineapple fermentation process occurs naturally from yeasts present on the fruit. Concretely, the bacteria responsible for fermentation absorb the sugars from the pineapple to release nutrients that are excellent for health. There is no addition of additional bacteria or yeast to aid the process. Depending on its degree of fermentation, tepache can be sparkling or not.

What are its benefits ?

Good for digestion. Like other fermented drinks, tepache is rich in probioticsmicro-organisms which enrich the intestinal flora, balance it and promote digestion.

Good for immunity.Tepache is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin D, manganese, copper and iron, which helps strengthen the immune system. The iron content is therefore particularly interesting for people who are deficient. develops Maxime Mességué.

Good against inflammation. Tepache is also an anti-inflammatory drink, not only because of the quantity of probiotics it contains, but also because spices (cloves, cinnamon) are often added which are anti-inflammatories.

Good for the skin. Furthermore, this drink contains antioxidants which help fight against oxidative stress and cell aging.

Good for blood sugar. Cinnamon also helps stabilize blood sugar levels. “Of course, tepache contains sugar but this is transformed into nutrients by bacteria, the drink is therefore not very sweet and lively because it is rich in probiotics“, argues the dietician-nutritionist. Tepache is also a way to hydrate while having fun.

Is there alcohol? What rate?

The alcohol content of tepache varies depending on how long the drink has been fermented. Fundamentally, The longer tepache is allowed to ferment, the more alcohol it will contain. “In general, the fermentation time does not exceed 2 to 3 days, so the drink contains no more than 2% alcohol“, specifies Maxime Mességué.

How much to drink maximum?

The dietician-nutritionist recommends consuming a glass of tepache per daypreferably The morning.

What are its dangers?

Tepache is not pasteurized. This is what allows good bacteria to proliferate in the intestine. “However, this drink can cause digestive discomfort (bloating, diarrhea) in sensitive people. It is therefore preferable to seek medical advice before consuming it in the event of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) or irritable bowel syndrome.“, recommends our expert.

Who is it contraindicated for?

In general, tepache contains between 1 and 2% alcohol. To have less, simply reduce the fermentation time and not add sugar. The doctor advises against drinking it for alcoholics, liver patients (cirrhosis, etc.), pregnant or breastfeeding women, children and people following treatment incompatible with alcohol. In the event of long-term treatment, it is preferable to ask the advice of your doctor in advance. “After a drink, it won’t do much but in principle we prohibitt”, he specifies. Also, since tepache is not a pasteurized drink, and that it contains yeast, bacteria and alcohol, its consumption is not recommended. in pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as in immunocompromised individuals.
