It was all discovered on Wednesday evening when the staff at Kolsva’s youth farm noted that some students seemed very tired. Parents also reacted, understood that something was wrong and went to the emergency room.
Several families were greeted by the police during the night after the police talked to the young people at the hospital and received information that there could be more affected. The parents were encouraged to pay attention.
– It is about ten young people in high school, confirms Rector Johan Hallberg.
“Has with them in the pockets”
According to information to SVT, the prescription medicine has taken by the young people. The tablets are believed to have been circular among the young people for a couple of weeks.
How did the drugs come into school?
– It is students who have brought with them at the school in their pockets. Where the drugs come from knows the police.
The police are currently investigating the incident as abuse. Prosecutor Charlotta Nyström does not want to comment if there is any suspect.
Still in hospital
The school has activated its crisis group and is now working close to social services and police. On Wednesday, information has gone out to students and guardians.
At lunchtime on Thursday, some of the young people were still in hospital.
– Thankfully, it has gone under the circumstances well. No one has suffered any life -threatening injuries, says Johan Hallberg.