Teens self-diagnose on tiktok – "It is worrying"

Diagnosing oneself with neuropsychiatric disabilities such as ADHD or autism is something that young people have started to do on Tiktok. That the trend has grown stronger is something that Ullakarin Nyberg, senior physician in psychiatry, does not think is particularly strange. – You want to recognize yourself, you want an explanation when you experience problems with yourself. It is easily accessible and many people go there. When you see that mental illness seems to be increasing among young people, it is completely understandable. “The explanations become very simplistic” When you search for information about various diagnoses through social media such as tiktok, the explanations run the risk of becoming very simplistic, she says. – It can lead to defining oneself via a perceived problem. It’s a bit worrying that it can happen so quickly – these are complex issues. Although there are risks, there are several advantages to young people early learning to articulate how they feel and share it with others, says Ullakarin. In the player above: How you as a parent can support your child.
