Teenage girl hit in Lund – Latest news – fast news from Aftonbladet


  • Teenage girl hit in Lund

    Emergency services and an ambulance were called to Lund at around 20:30.

    – It is an electric kick cyclist who has been in a traffic accident with a car. The electric kick cyclist is a twelve-year-old girl, says Filip Annas, press spokesperson for the South police region.

    The girl was taken to hospital by ambulance, but is said to have been able to speak after the accident. The exact extent of the damage is unknown.

    – We are interviewing the driver to investigate the circumstances behind the traffic accident, says Filip Annas.


  • Details: Russia behind sabotage in Germany

    German Picture writes that Russia may have been behind the fire against a weapons factory in Berlin in May.

    According to the newspaper’s information, a foreign security service has now informed German authorities that there is “concrete evidence of Russian involvement”

  • Russian signals have interfered with Swedish satellite

    The Swedish Post and Telecommunications Authority, PTS, has detected interference on a Swedish satellite network traced to Russia and the Crimean peninsula, reports Bloomberg.

    Images from the Russian parade on Victory Day, May 9, are said to have been shown, among other things.

    – The disruptions are, of course, serious and can be seen as part of broader hybrid actions aimed at Sweden and others, says Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson to Bloomberg.

  • Woman robbed at knifepoint in Gothenburg

    A woman has been robbed of a mobile phone that she put up for sale on social media, reports say GP.

    When the woman met the buyer in Haga to hand over the mobile phone, the buyer allegedly took out a knife and threatened the woman – before he left the place, according to the newspaper.

    The police are looking for the suspected perpetrator.

  • Actor Donald Sutherland dead

    Actor Donald Sutherland is dead, reports say Deadline.

    He is known, among other things, for having appeared in “The Hunger Games”, “Pride & Prejudice” and “Citizen X”.

    He died on Thursday in Miami after a long illness.

    He lived to be 88 years old.

    Read more here.

  • 5,000 are believed to travel to Lebanon – despite the Foreign Ministry’s advice

    Since October 2023, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has advised Swedes against traveling to Lebanon.

    But despite the advice, the Foreign Ministry estimates that more than 5,000 Swedes will travel to the country, just in the next few weeks.

    “This is very worrying and serious,” writes the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in one press release.

  • Police operation after strippers in Nacka

    The police are searching an area in Nacka after they received an alarm that a man had exposed himself to two girls in their lower teens. So far, the police have not found anyone, but they have filed a report of sexual harassment.

  • Long queues on E18/E20

    During the afternoon it is difficult to get around on the E18/E20 around Örebro in both directions, reports P4 Örebro. The long queues are partly due to two traffic accidents in the northern part of the Västerleden and a traffic accident in the Reijmes roundabout, but also to midsummer traffic.

  • BMW cancels billion-dollar order from Northvolt

    Northvolt will not produce battery cells for BMW’s electric cars, German reports Handelsblatt.

    The reason behind the broken agreement is unclear.

    Now the Korean supplier Samsung SDI will fill the gap.

  • Fire in a turn-of-the-century villa – big effort

    There is a fire in a villa on Ekerö outside Stockholm.

    The alarm came in at 4:40 p.m.

    – It is a large house, a turn-of-the-century villa of at least 300 square meters, says the duty officer of the rescue service.

    20 firefighters from three stations are on site to extinguish the flames.

    The fire is said to have started in the basement and it is unclear how far it spread.

    No one is said to have been injured.

  • Two arrested for murder

    Two people have been detained on reasonable suspicion of the murder of a man in his 20s, the prosecutor’s office writes in a press release.

    The man was shot on Monday in a wooded area in Salem, southwest of Stockholm.

    Another person who was arrested in the case has been released, but the suspicions remain.

  • Södertälje network’s “Godfather” arrested in Colombia

    Photo: The police

    He has been called the “Godfather” in Södertälje and has been singled out as the leader of the Södertälje network, which has been active in Södertälje for much of the 2010s.

    Bülent Aslanoglu has now been arrested in Colombia after an international operation in which Swedish authorities have cooperated with Colombian authorities and Spanish policereports the newspaper Narcodiario.

    There they struck a criminal network that is said to have contacts with important cocaine producers in Colombia and Ecuador and with investors in Dubai. According to the newspaper, the network consists of people from Albania, Colombia, Morocco and Sweden.

    Twelve other people linked to the criminal network were arrested. In connection with the operation, 100 kilos of cocaine have been seized and twelve suspects have been arrested. They are said to have shipped huge quantities of cocaine from South America to Europe by boat and air transport for a long time.

    According to the newspaper, Aslanoglu was arrested while negotiating a drug shipment, according to the newspaper.

    The criminal network has had its base on the Spanish sunny coast.

  • Train journey between Gothenburg and Stockholm

    There is a stop in the train traffic between Gothenburg and Stockholm.

    – There is a bridge in Töreboda that is apparently messed up, says a press spokesperson at SJ.

    The Swedish Transport Administration has staff on site, but there is no forecast for when the problem will be resolved.

    Update at 4:30 p.m.:

    The trains are rolling again.

    Read more here.

  • 16-year-old arrested for fatal shooting in Salem

    A 16-year-old has been detained on reasonable suspicion of the murder in Salem on Monday, reports LT.

    It is the lower level of suspicion

    – My principal denies any wrongdoing. He has nothing to do with this matter, says the boy’s lawyer Anton Strand to the newspaper.

    During Thursday, the prosecutor announced that two people are requested to be detained, a 16-year-old and an 18-year-old. Another person is arrested in the same case.

  • Traffic accident in Uppsala – one to hospital

    A motorcycle and a car collided on road 55 in the height of Stenhagen outside Uppsala just before 14.

    One person has been taken to hospital with unclear injuries, according to the police. The motorcycle has been salvaged.

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  • Regarding p1 decision that summer is only broadcast in the SR app. Isn’t that a slap in the face to all pensioners who don’t have the app. What do pensioner organizations say about this? I can imagine that many older people are listening. Which only has the radio.

    Ronny Andersson.

    Hello! This is what it says on SR’s website: “If you want to listen to Summer in P1, you can either listen directly on FM at 1 p.m., just as usual, or on Sveriges Radio Play – where you can also listen to the summer episodes afterwards” .

    You can therefore listen live on the radio. However, you will not be able to listen to the episodes in other apps such as Spotify.

  • Reading about the exchange of prisoners with Iran. What happens to the doctor Djalali? He is not mentioned.

    Katarina Nordgren

    Hello! We don’t actually know, but we’re trying to find out now.

  • Hello Bo Göran! Now I assume we are thinking the same thing and you can’t find the article on the site. We have written about the scary accident here.

  • Has the airport at Palma reopened?


    Yes exactly. It was closed for a while but is now open again. Read more here.

  • Thank you for the eminent Valkompisen! A very good complement. Great with such quick responses. Hope to see him again in other contexts in the future! 😀


    Thank you for testing Valkompisen! It is not at all impossible that he will receive new information in the future. Until then, you can keep asking questions about what’s happening with the EU now, here!

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