Teenage girl gets travel ban – worry that she will be married off

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On June 10, the social welfare committee in a municipality in Nordvästskåne decided on a temporary travel ban for a young girl as her parents allegedly had the ambition to marry her off.

The girl, who is in her early teens, no longer lives with the family for some time as information emerged that she had been beaten by her parents.

According to the girl, her parents have told her that there is a man in Serbia that they intend for her to marry, the wedding venue is booked and the dress is fixed.

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The girl, who herself neither wants to meet nor have any contact with her family, has expressed that she does not want to be married off.

However, her parents deny that they plan to marry her off and say that they are actually worried about their daughter marrying her older boyfriend.

The daughter’s representative believes that the girl has no other goal or purpose with the information she provided other than that she wants to feel safe and out of concern about being married off.

The administrative court does not consider that there is reason to question her information and therefore decides on an exit ban.
