Tax, the concessions cost the state coffers up to 4% of GDP

Tax the concessions cost the state coffers up to 4

(Finance) – A report on tax expenditures of the Senate Impact Assessment Office calculated that the hundreds of discounts And concessions which weigh on the state budget for tens of billions lead to a loss of revenue equal to 4% of GDP. It is on this mass of deductions that the aim is to work tax delegation approved by Parliament with the aim of simplifying a framework that currently “generates frequent and significant deviations from the normal tax regime”.

In particular, the analysis of the report underlined that from 2016 to 2022 le tax expenses have grown steadily. In 2022 there were 626 (+40% compared to six years earlier) with negative effects on the balance sheet equal to 82 billion euros (+72%). To these must be added another 114 local expenses, for a total of 740 subsidies.

There tax reform that the Meloni government undertook to implement – with the enabling law that Parliament approved at the beginning of August – it provides that by the deadline of 29 August 2025, a reform of the Irpef should arrive which has the declared objective of flat tax as well as modifications of theIresofVATthe overcoming ofIrap, an overall reform of the relationship between the tax authorities and companies, the raising of the no-tax area for employees and the self-employed. Interventions that overall would involve a very high cost to be implemented. Among the revenues to be used, the government has repeatedly indicated that there will be a cut tax expendituresthat is, precisely of the deductions and tax deductions of various types.

The same study highlighted the lack of important data to quantify the number of people help from these deductions. “For almost 80% of the measures it is difficult to carry out complete analyzes”, reads the document. Of those for which we have all the information, however, the majority (80 deductions in all) concern rather small groups of people: less than 30,000 beneficiaries for each concession.

From the point of view instead of value economic of these deductions, the study found that the average value is “substantially inverse to the number of beneficiaries”: higher for measures up to one thousand beneficiaries (15,139 euros on average per person) and lower for measures with more than 10 million of beneficiaries (157 euros on average). The concessions more expensive for the State are those that concern two sectors in particular: “House and urban layout“, on the one hand, and “Competitiveness and business development” on the other.
