Tax, Cataldi: “Do more to improve relations with taxpayers”

Tax Cataldi Do more to improve relations with

(Finance) – “We share the inspiring principles of tax reformbut some aspects still do not satisfy us: being faced with, for example, a legislative decree on building bonuses which anticipates fulfillment by 6 months is an error. A new relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers is also built by respecting our activities and giving us the opportunity to plan the work“. He said it Francesco Cataldipresident ofNational Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, opening the 61st National Congress of the Union, scheduled in Caserta until tomorrow. “Even on the Simplifications decree it should be underlined that the objective has not yet been achieved: the fiscal calendar remains very busy and even burdened by a new institution introduced by the government, the biennial preventive agreement”.
For Andrea de Bertoldimember of the Finance Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, “after the fair compensation we managed to approve the limitation of liability for auditors, therefore very important topics for professionals and in particular for accountants. Now we have a tax simplification underway, creating a different relationship with taxpayersbased on loyalty“.

Marco Osnato, president of the Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, highlighted: “We have brought to the audience the testimony of what the government and the commission are carrying out with respect to tax reform. A reform aimed at building a relationship between financial administration and citizen fairerfor a fairer, simpler tax system that is closer to citizens’ needs”.

Second Emiliano Fenu, member of the Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies: “We fear that the proposals carried out by the government they are a flopwhich risk complicating the lives of citizens and businesses, because there will be a further one complexity for the tax schedule. The relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers is a difficult one, the intention must be to improve it”.

Elbano de Nucciopresident of CNDCEC, underlined that “the tax reform is taking shape in an organic and synergistic way and not patchy. And above all with the direct collaboration with accountants Italians in a phase of construction of the law, and not later. This means restoring centrality to the category.”

Stefano Distilli, president of the Cassa Dottori Commercialisti, explained that “the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers can not disregard from what is the fundamental link represented by the category of commercial Doctorsbut the past shows how often the premises, results and methods that should have been acquired long ago have not been maintained”.

While Guido Rosignolivice-president of Cassa Ragionieri, remarked that “a new relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers must become possible, also because compliance and fight against tax evasion I am two sides of the same coin. In this sense, the centrality of the professional, who must direct the entrepreneur’s activity on the right path, is evident”.

The first day of the Congress, in which 1200 accountants from all over Italy are registered, was opened by Margherita Matrisciano, president of the Organizing Committee. Among the speeches was that of Pietro Raucci, president of ODCEC Caserta, and Concetta di Gennaro, president of UGDCEC Caserta.
