Tag: worst
no, it’s not the worst superhero movie (Review)
This is by far the most amusing paradox of the superhero universe, The Flash, who is none other than the fastest man in the world, will have taken all his…
LoL nerfs the 2 worst champs who destroyed the game as a duo in new patch – “Looks like they’re listening”
The new patch 13.12 is available in League of Legends. at. LoL developer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison announces severe nerfs for a botlaner/support duo: Zeri and the cat Yuumi. He says…
Jennifer Lawrence wants to return to The Hunger Games even though she thinks she’s the worst in her turn
Stars who grew up through a successful youth franchise often struggle to restart their acting careers in order to establish themselves as independent performers. That’s why Daniel Radcliffe and Emma…
These are the 5 worst video game movies of all time according to IMDb
We have compiled a list of the worst video game adaptations of all time. We present 5 films that occupy the last places in the ranking based on their viewer…
Keto, Dash, Paleo… Here are the worst diets for your heart
News Published on 04/28/2023 at 3:00 p.m. Updated 04/28/2023 at 3:00 p.m. Reading 2 mins. A new study released this Thursday, April 27 reveals the worst (and best) diets for…
Study finds worst day of the week for heart attacks
Using data from more than 10,000 patients, Irish researchers observed a peak in the rate of heart attacks on a particular day of the week. According to a study conducted…
Östersund has the worst air in the country due to sand
The air in Östersund is classified as hazardous to the health of the residents, and measurements carried out show that the air is sometimes the worst in the whole country.…
The worst water crisis in recent history is going on in Uruguay, and activists are also blaming Finns for it
BARCELONA. Rafaella Varela open the tap and fill the glass with water. – Now you have to enjoy the luxury, because there is only salt water available at home, he…
“The worst that can happen”
PHOTO: Bildbyrån Leo Carlsson was a great success in the hockey World Cup.Now comes a new future statement about the 18-year-old.Who can choose between SHL and NHL for the coming…
What are the worst tourist destinations in France? I asked ChatGPT
We asked artificial intelligence to tell us the worst tourist destinations in France… Among ChatGPT’s proposals, some are amazing. Your turn to judge ! The editorial staff of Linternaute.com asked…