LoL nerfs the 2 worst champs who destroyed the game as a duo in new patch – “Looks like they’re listening”

The new patch 13.12 is available in League of Legends. at. LoL developer Matt “Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison announces severe nerfs for a botlaner/support duo: Zeri and the cat Yuumi. He says both of them are bad on their own, but together they are really overpowered. If the nerf doesn’t work this time, it’s supposed to get even worse.

This is what Phroxzon says about the upcoming nerfs (via twitter):

  • Yuumi and Zeri have both benefited from changes in 13.10 and 13.11 and have become a problem. You are “not happy” with your status in the professional game
  • Zeri is said to be too strong and can withstand too much, especially when she has built the item “Trinity Force” – Yuumi has too strong synergies with the item “Echoes of Helia”
  • Both champs are now getting nerfs to keep their win rate below 50%. If that doesn’t work, Riot is ready for “drastic measures”
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    What exactly do the nerfs look like?

  • Zeri’s passive currently causes her to gain a shield herself whenever she deals damage to an enemy’s shield—this bonus is scheduled to go away
  • The attack speed buff E of the cat Yuumi is significantly weaker at low levels, and her heal with R is also significantly weakened at low levels
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    Yuumi has been a problem for ages – Zeri has been for a few weeks

    How is this discussed? On reddit, the criticism once again focuses on Yuumi. The magical cat has been a recurring theme in League of Legends for years: it is the only heroine that can merge with another hero, making it invulnerable.

    Originally, Yuumi was planned as a beginner hero so that newcomers could learn the game by focusing on casting and leaving the complicated running and positioning to a more experienced player. But some of the best support players in the world abused Yuumi and her strengths to win tournaments.

    Yuumi is therefore the most hated heroine in LoL, has been radically reworked a few times, but Riot just can’t seem to get a handle on her.

    Zeri, on the other hand, had a specific problem: a “tanky” build built around the Sheen and Trinity Force items just seemed unfair.

    In the comments it says now (via reddit)

  • “I mean, at least it seems like they’re listening. It will be interesting to see how far they have to go to maim both of them to the point where their winrate falls to where they want the winrate to be.”
  • Another user says: The best build for Zeri with Sheen/Trinity is basically dead now. With Yuumi, W and E would now scale with the level. The cat is still annoying, but only much later in the game.
  • A third user says: “Bruiser Zeri was insanely unfair, but Crit Zeri is also a big problem.”
  • Ultimately, Riot Games will tackle two construction sites with the patch that have been hurting players for a long time. What the “drastic solution” for Yuumi looks like has been known by some pros for years:

    One of the best players in the world demands that Riot delete a champ entirely from LoL
