Tag: worrying
Increase in tail discharge in Sweden is worrying
The number of cases of colic is increasing. Anna Norrby-Teglund urges parents to be aware of the infection – which leads to pain and redness at the rectal opening. –…
EU and IAEA deplore Iran’s ‘worrying’ exclusion of several nuclear inspectors
On Saturday September 16, Iran notified the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of the removal of the accreditation of several of its inspectors responsible for monitoring the Iranian nuclear program.…
Worrying signal from Hungary – could disrupt NATO application
In a letter to Foreign Minister Tobias Billström, the Hungarian Foreign Minister threatens that the Swedish NATO process is in danger. In the letter, which has been partially posted on…
Bisphenol A: the worrying presence of this endocrine disruptor throughout Europe
France, Luxembourg and Portugal: these three countries appear on a podium which they would have done without. Indeed, 100% of adults in these three countries have levels of Bisphenol A…
Ban on the abaya at school: on TikTok, the worrying success of cyber-preachers
Video resembles the short formats that Brut media can produce. The visual identity appears marked, always with a yellow background and a title in capital letters on three lines. The…
Breast cyst: symptoms, cause, worrying?
A cyst in the breast (mammary cyst) is most of the time benign and does not increase the risk of cancer. However, it can be bothersome and cause symptoms such…
The World Health Organization warns of worrying corona trends during the winter – hundreds of thousands of patients in hospitals
According to the WHO, only 43 countries currently report corona-related deaths to it. The World Health Organization (WHO) warns of worrying corona trends as winter approaches in the northern hemisphere.…
Frightening statement from WHO! They announced it as ‘worrying’…
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), drew attention to the increase in Kovid-19 cases, which increased before the winter season. Expressing that the increase in cases…
The lack of love of the French for work: four worrying signals
If the introduction of 35 hours in 1998 and 2000 logically caused the number of hours worked per year of French employees to fall compared to their European colleagues, it…
Worrying future show from BMW: “Vision Neue Klasse”
One of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers BMWdirectly in front of us today. BMW Vision Neue Class is with. BMW Vision Neue Class, for the electric car models that the…