Tag: Wilhelmina
Resistance heroine honored with Trui van Lier Speelkwartier in Utrecht’s Wilhelmina Park
Trui van Lier founded a children’s daycare center in 1940, called Kindjeshaven. Trui, herself a niece of the famous resistance fighter Truus van Lier, and her friend Jet Berdenis van…
Unique MRI hoisted into the operating room of Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital Utrecht: ‘Fantastic day’
Utrecht – Under the great interest of doctors and employees, an important MRI scan was broken into the Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital in Utrecht today. The magnet, weighing 6300 kilos, was…
Spiderman, Elmo and Mega Mindy visit Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital on the motorcycle
It must have been a strange sight for a while: Spiderman, Elmo, Mega Mindy and Santa Claus on a motorcycle. Almost fifty motorcyclists in costume drove to the Wilhelmina Children’s…