Tag: weekly
Blizzard is killing the ultimate trick to quickly unlock level 616 items in the weekly crate
With the current ID change in World of Warcraft, Blizzard is implementing a change that means you will no longer be able to unlock powerful pieces of equipment for the…
Out of 5 days of weekly work, this is the time we spend doing nothing and it’s enormous
Over a working week, a certain number of hours are useless, according to a study. Working 5 days a week is the most common rhythm of active people. This allows…
TV+ increased the number of weekly active users with Yandex Ads
TV+ increased the number of users by 16 percent by using the Yandex Navi application for its portable Android player TV+ PRO. In line with the goal of increasing the…
This Mom Reveals The Weekly Hack That Makes Her Whole Family Happy
News Published on 08/17/2024 at 10:03 a.m. updated on 08/17/2024 at 10:03 a.m. Reading 2 min. Are you exhausted by your daily routine and struggling to find time for your…
In the news: after the dissolution, Emmanuel Macron crushed by the weekly press
Marianne grapeshot “ Dr Folamour at the Élysée » – Rather than a duel « project versus project » with the extreme right, « Emmanuel Macron preferred the explosion »…
USA, weekly mortgage applications down 5.7%
(Finance) – The mortgage applications in the United States. In the week to May 24, the index measuring the volume of mortgage loan applications recorded a decrease of 5.7%, after…
USA, weekly oil inventories rise by 2.7 million barrels
(Finance) – The crude oil inventories in the USA in the last week. The EIA, the division of the US Department of Energy, reported that crude oil stocks, in the…
USA, weekly mortgage applications up 3.3%
(Finance) – Increase mortgage applications in the United States. In the week to April 12, the index measuring the volume of mortgage loan applications recorded an increase of 3.3% after…
Everli enters the Big Brother House and revolutionizes weekly shopping
(Finance) – Everlithe main Italian operator for expense onlineannounces an unprecedented collaboration with “Big Brother”, a very popular reality show that has fascinated the Italian television audience for over 20…
To avoid a breakup, this coach recommends a weekly “argument evening”
News Published on 02/20/2024 at 4:59 p.m. Updated 02/20/2024 at 4:59 p.m. Reading 2 min. in collaboration with Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist) Organizing an evening with friends or family is…