Tag: votes
Do you still buy remote raid passes in Pokémon GO? Over 3,400 trainers cast their votes
Pokémon GO has changed the prices of remote raid passes, causing trouble for many players. We wanted to know: are you still buying some now? Here is the result. What…
New York grand jury votes on Donald Trump’s criminal indictment
A grand jury in Manhattan voted to indict Donald Trump in a 2016 case of buying the silence of a porn actress, according to several American media. It is the…
Turkey’s parliament votes on Finland’s NATO membership
For Finland, only Turkey’s approval for NATO membership remains. Today at 1 p.m., Turkey’s parliament votes. On Monday evening, Hungarian MPs pushed to approve Finland’s membership. Today, Turkey is expected…
By 3400 preferential votes, Imraan suddenly became a Member of Parliament, much to his own surprise
Province of Utrecht – The joke is that I did not campaign for myself at all, says Imraan el Hamdaoui (27). He himself took to the streets for the number…
See when the Riksdag votes yes to NATO
▸ Sweden’s Riksdag votes yes to join the NATO defense alliance. The historic decision comes after the Riksdag today debated the NATO legislation. Since the Social Democrats changed their line…
France, no-confidence motion fails: government except by 9 votes
(Finance) – 9 votes were missing to approve the motion of no confidence against the government of Elizabeth Borne presented by the Liot group at theNational Assembly. The oppositions in…
Finally all votes counted, BBB still just the largest party in Utrecht
Partly due to a malfunction, counting votes became night work in many municipalities. This morning, GroenLinks turned out to be the largest in the major cities, among others. In Utrecht,…
Finally all votes counted, BBB still just the largest party in Utrecht
Partly due to a malfunction, counting votes became night work in many municipalities. GroenLinks turned out to be the largest this morning in the major cities, among others. In Utrecht,…
The MP votes no to the government’s NATO proposal – submits its own
The Green Party will vote no to the government’s NATO proposal and present its own, reports Sweden’s Radio Ekot. The Riksdag must vote on changing the law to enable entry…
the Senate votes to raise the retirement age to 64
The French Senate, dominated by the right, adopted Wednesday, March 8 in the evening, after a fierce procedural battle with the left, the key article of the pension reform project,…