Judge annuls minister’s decision to close UMC Utrecht children’s heart center
Operations on congenital heart defects in children can now still be performed at four locations: at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, the UMC Groningen, the UMC Utrecht and in the…
Corona peaks at Christmas, can you celebrate with a runny nose?
What should you do if you think you have corona? At least you don’t have to test yourself anymore. It advice of the RIVM is to stay at home if…
Corona peaks at Christmas, can you celebrate with an infection?
What should you do if you think you have corona? At least you don’t have to test yourself anymore. It advice of the RIVM is to stay at home if…
Transgressive behavior in the hospital recognizable for Utrecht medical students
Response UMC Utrecht Undesirable behavior: no one wants it. Yet it happens. Sometimes it is not possible to say anything about it, we (unconsciously) participate in it or we experience…
Antoinette wrote a thriller about abuses in the UMC: ‘My own experience made me think’
Kalkman’s daughter is now doing well again. She is satisfied with the treatment at Radboud. Still, the medical errors that came to light in Zembla made her think. “I can’t…
With the help of AI, second tumor surgery can be prevented in UMC Utrecht
“And that is fast enough to possibly adjust the surgical strategy,” says Jeroen de Ridder, research group leader at UMC Utrecht. An operation is often the first step in treatment,…
Donor heart waiting list stabilized by new donation method
Utrecht – The waiting list for a donor heart has been stabilized by a new technique for heart donation, reports the Dutch Transplantation Foundation (NTS). Two years ago, the heart…
‘Half of medical studies are considering abolishing cum laude’
Utrecht – Half of the medical programs in our country are considering no longer handing out cum laudes, or have even stopped doing so. This is evident from a tour…
Tension palpable in overcrowded court about children’s heart center Utrecht: ‘If we do not do this carefully, more children will die’
What is this emergency session about? In 2.5 years, Minister Ernst Kuipers wants the children’s heart centers in Utrecht and Leiden/Amsterdam to close. The care must then be concentrated in…
UMC Utrecht today before the court to close the children’s heart center: what is that again?
The Netherlands currently has four centers for pediatric heart surgery, spread over five locations (Rotterdam, Groningen, Utrecht and a shared center in Leiden and Amsterdam). This care will be concentrated…