Tag: toilets
Will Tampere’s new stadium be completed for the 100th anniversary of baseball? The cost estimate hurts to 14 million euros, a temporary solution in the toilets
With Tampere’s baseball pride, Manse PP aims for a Finnish championship for both men and women. The club director believes the new stadium will be up for the 100-year-old East-West…
Municipality of Utrecht: ‘More public toilets at events’
In the future there will be toilets for men and especially for women at large-scale events in more places. Alderman Lot van Hooijdonk made that promise after questions from the…
Parasites found in ancient Jerusalem toilets betray residents’ way of life
Analysis of rare sediments from toilets in the VIIe century BC made it possible to find eggs of intestinal parasites. These give clues to the way of life of the…